If your order reads CONFIRMED, it is in the build queue working toward its build date.
If we are actively building your rack, it will say IN-PROCESS and will be shipping within a few days at most.
If your order reads SHIPPED or shows the shipping date, congratulations, it’s on its way to you!
You can keep an eye on the status of your order here: https://script.google.com/a/macros/quikrstuff.com/s/AKfycbxATcLg0bzZ6VTKY9XhObyzzaqLSExsX7mGlFV28JO8_0Sg3BKL50G-UqfQwy8KaoB3/exec
NOTE: Please email us if you have moved since placing your order and/or need to modify the shipping address; otherwise, you will incur additional charges if it is shipped to the wrong address.