Some receivers sit very low to the ground, for example on the Tesla Model 3. One customer let us know that his Mach2 bike rack was occasionally dragging on the ground, creating wear like this.
A possible solution for this situation that would not interfere with the insertion of our hitch rack or its advertised weight capacities (and therefore NOT void the warranty) is to use a rollaway hitch protector, like this one sold through etrailer.com.
This solid steel roller attaches to the outside of the receiver and is held on using a standard hitch pin. It prevents the trailer hitch from digging and dragging on pavement, yet doesn’t interfere with what’s being inserted into the hitch.
We have not used this product and have not tested the Quik Rack Mach2 rack on any vehicles using this product. It is just an option that you might consider if you’re trying to work with a low-sitting hitch.
Of course, you can always order replacement parts through us if/when the wear and tear becomes too great.
Usage and Troubleshooting